I am a little obsessed right now with Horatio Hornblower. The PBS mini-series to be specific. I love this old naval crap!
But the one thing that cracks me up is the name of his ship. The Indefatigable—which means something that never fatigues. Which is kind of a lame sort of boast. Like naming your ship, Inconsternable. Or the HMS Patience. The USS Conscientious.
Seriously, Hornblower—work on that ship name. It’s lame. No wonder they take to calling it the Indie. The shipmates know it’s a lame name.
Sidenote: Did you hear how Nick Cage named his kid “Jarel” as in, after Superman’s real name? Talk about a lame name. Isn’t it interesting that he had that sketch on SNL that was about naming your kid stupid names and here he goes and picks a doozy.
I always was amused by that sketch b/c he gets the name Nate in the sketch but can’t really think of how to make fun of Nate. Which is odd, because Nate rhymes with a lot of things.
No matter! I am indefatigable!
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