The Weenie of the Week award goes to…..
Terrell Owens of the Philadelphia Eagles:
He was suspended yesterday because he complained that the Eagles’ didn’t publicly recognize his 100th touchdown. Honestly, I don’t know what you do with this guy. He’s awesome. He totally changes the game when he’s in. But he’s such a punk.
I would cut him. I think he’s not worth it. With everything he adds, he subtracts so much with his punk-like ways. And that is why he is this week’s Weenie of the Week. (T.O. made a surprise appearance as WOTW, I was going to name the Saints’ owner.)
I would also like to publicly complain about the Metro‘s horoscope writer. Today’s entry for Cancer was:
“When shopping, it wise to make a list first.”
What the hell does that have to do with my astral chart? That’s not even real advice. If someone said that to you, you’d biff them in the head or the beak. And worst, it’s no where near mystical. Your horoscope should be like a great pop love song. Even though it could apply to anyone, for some reason it seems like it was written just for you and your own unique situation.
I have two fortune cookies saved in the refrigerator at home. Let’s hope these fortune writers are better than the Metro writer. Take a look at the difference between the Metro’s guy and The Voice.
“Venus in your Capricorn complement should bring well-placed, accomplished women or artists into your life. Plus they’ll stay around longer than “hello, goodbye” because the goddess of good fortune and lovely manners turns retrograde on Christmas Eve. You’ll have lots of opportunities to enjoy her blessings (and challenges) until March, so don’t be cavalier and blow off whatever goodies she does lay on you. Romantic complications around the full moon on the 15th can upset travel arrangements. Have an alternative plan on hand.”
Now, there’s a lot to hold of in there. It gives you some things to look forward to—some things to watch out for. Some mystery. Some romance. And it never talks about something as mundane as a shopping list. Watch out Metro. You don’t want to become this week’s WOTW!
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