I listen to Howard Stern.
But I am one of those people that listen to him b/c he annoys me. I have him set on my alarm clock. So that I am irritated enough that I wake up.
He constantly says some of the stupidest things imaginable and this is what I perversely enjoy. For instance, this morning. They were talking about their move to Sirius. Which he is obsessed with. Because you know when he gets to Sirius he’ll be able to say whatever he wants.
As if when he is able to do that, the show will be vastly better. You know, because they can curse. They spent about 10 minutes talking about how much better it would be b/c they could say, take a sh*t. Or f*ck you! Or the like.
And I was thinking…. how would it be that much better if you could do that?
In fact, I would say that the best bits that he ever came up with came about because he had the limitations in place. That’s always what makes creativity blossom. It’s having those things to constrict you and you are able to find the spaces in between.
But no, when Howard moves to Sirius, people will be treated to some unadultered fart jokes. And colorfully peppered stories about taking sh*ts.
I say people b/c I won’t be getting Sirirus so I can listen to Howard. I’ll just tune it to some other person I find annoying to wake me up.
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