December 14, 2005

Santy Claus

This is how you should address your letter to Santa Claus according to the United States Postal Service.

I’m about to engage in my annual ritual of watching It’s A Wonderful Life! A couple of years ago, my friend and I had an argument about which was the better Christmas movie. IAWL or Miracle on 34th Street. Of course, neither of us had seen the other’s movie. (I was championing MOTS). So we watched them back to back together. We fell asleep but eventually watched both of them.

But the result is a love of IAWL. I own it on DVD. Tom Boswell does some narration for the extras. I’m contemplating posting the story of how I “found out” about Santa Claus. But I was thinking, what if either of my nieces read this. And find out before they should find out? So I am hesistating posting that.

They are 2 and almost 5. So I doubt they are cruising the internet. But still. One day, they might. And it will remain there. So I am thinking about letting it be. I might change my mind later in the day and post it there for them to find later thereby ruining Christmas for them one day. Because it is a pretty good story.



  1. Frannie Parker

    Tell it!

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