January 5, 2006

Things You Shouldn’t Say In The Bathroom

I heard a guy say this yesterday at work, in the bathroom:

“Fancy meeting you here!”

I’m of the opinion that if we both went into the bathroom and didn’t say a word to each other, and didn’t even set eyes on each other, we would probably enjoy the experience more. We’re into there to do a job. And it’s a gross job. And we should just get to it, wash our hands, and get out of there.

Also, this is something that people often say when they see someone like that:

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this!”

And you know, that was actually very funny. But I think it’s time to put this to bed. Guys will often use this line when talking with a girl. And I feel it’s an attempt at flirting from the dude, to initiate some sort of sexual innuendo with the girl, while seeming to be harmless. Guys will think it’s charming. They think they are being like the Kirkster on Dear John. But they forget, most girls found the Kirkster annoying. Guys should just grow a pair and ask that girl out.

Or maybe retool the old chesnut into something like:

“We often seem to show up in the same places. Wouldn’t it make sense to go on a date? That way we could show in the same places and it would be less awkward. Plus we could make out. And it would be less awkward.”

Sidenote: Does anybody have that kind of uni-sex bathroom portrayed in Ally McBeal? (I realize that both of my tv references in this post are dated.) I don’t think they exist. But if they did, don’t say that thing I just wrote there—save it for somewhere outside the bathroom.


  1. Will Hines

    This story is hilarious.

    Dear John is my new favorite TV reference, and I’m now going to use it all the time. It has unseated “Buffalo Bill.”

  2. Frannie Parker

    I heard this conversation in the bathroom of a restaurant once:

    Child: Mommy you change my diapper?

    Mother: Sweetie, you’re not wearing a diapper!

  3. Natasha

    I had never seen those unisex bathrooms in real life either, but I took a class recently and they had one! i couldn’t believe it. There were only two stalls and i suddenly realized that anyone could just waltz in there, boy or girl! So when I went in there, I locked the door. I pretended to no one that I didn’t realize there were two stalls and I shouldn’t lock the door. I say “to no one” because no one asked me. But if they had, that was going to be my story.

  4. Kirk

    When I was little, I was so excited that there was someone on TV named Kirk… although, even at nine years old, I knew he was a really shitty character.

    What made “Dear John” doubly fun was the nerdy character Ralph, ’cause that’s my older brother’s name. Such a coincidence!

    I got a lot of mileage out of that show. “Look Ralph, that’s you!” and stuff like that.

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