Seeing as how Oprah is on at 4 pm, and I don’t have a VCR or Tivo/DVR, I rarely watch Miss O. But sometimes, I am home. Sometimes, I am sick. So since so many people like Kate and Natasha and Siobhan all blab on about how great Oprah is, I decided to watch it the other week.
I wondered, how much could Oprah have changed? I mean, as a kid, I was watching Oprah from the beginning. I’ve seen fat Oprah, and then skinny Oprah when she wheeled out those bags a little red wagon to symbolize her weight loss. And then back again. And back again.
But I was watching an episode which was about Oprah’s favorite things. And this is when I decided, isn’t this a little gratuitous and self-aggrandizing? I mean, do people really care about what Oprah’s favorite pajamas are(see pic)?
The answer being a two parter. I don’t, but people do.
Because I’m a forgiving and adventurous soul though, I watched. And I was told that would cry before the hour was out. I did not cry. I did not even get close to being weepy. I did not even get excited about the free stuff. It was fine really. I still like Oprah. I just don’t see how she has taken over the world. Maybe I need to watch more to figure it out.
But I thought I’d mention two more things:
— Did people really see this thing about KG donating all this money to build a house a month for two years for the Angel Network for peeps hit by Katrina? How cool is KG????? 24 houses! Scoop Jackson on scooped me to this fact.
— Did everyone see the thing on The Smoking Gun about this James Frey dude and his fraudulent book A Million Little Pieces? This was an Oprah Book Of The Month book. I am waiting now for Oprah to respond to this. Oprah watchers, you know who you are, keep me informed!
Tonight, the author dude is on Larry King. 9 EST people. The truth!
I’m glad I didn’t read that book. Because then I wouldn’t know whether to still like it or not.
That link didn’t go to where you said it would!
Okay, first of all you caught a very unteary Oprah. The favorite things show is just a show where you can look at Oprah and go, “Oh, so that’s what life’s like to be Oprah. I would step out of the shower into a cashmere cloud and be transported to work in a gold helicopter.” And if you’re in the audience it’s all under your seat! It’s a chance to take a break from the tears and engage in the fantasy of Oprah. Hopefully next time you get a day off she’ll have a show about children who are about to die except they’ll hang on awhile because Oprah had them on and you’ll see the woman for who she is.
This was the longest comment I’ve ever written.
Crap, it’s supposed to be this link:
I’ll change it.