May 1, 2006

Close, But No Cigar

So Huck played Saturday night and did well but not well enough. We came in #5 out of 10. Got 50 votes. The next person up got 22 more votes than us. Yikes! Thanks for those that came! Those that did not. Shame on you. That’s why we lost. Anyway, there’s still a chance that we might get to go on to the next round. The Emergenza folks seem to like us. So we’ll see. Stay tuned Huck Faithful!
‘Zards win! ‘Zards win! Watching Gilbert Arenas in the first half did not make me think good thoughts. Still, he came strong in the 2nd half. I don’t like his pre-foul shot routine of circling it behind his back three times. What if he accidentally dropped it? If I were a pro basketball player, (and yes, I briefly considered it but I couldn’t deal with the long season)I would only spin the ball and bounce it. And maybe wipe my face to say hi to my children ala Jeff “Dad” Hornaceck.
Saw Guru Pitka(Mike Myers) at the Magnet on Friday. I asked the guru during the Q&A section what his greatest regrets were. He said never meeting Joseph Campbell. Something about a sandwich I think. And also missing the Miracle On Ice during 1980. I asked him what was he doing instead and apparently he was with a prostitute at the time. Ohhhh Guru Pitka!
Ever since the bed guys stepped on ‘Bert and he accidentally got out, he’s been really terrified of strangers. So this weekend, when the Shelk parents visited, he was a big fraidy cat. I now can literally picture what that term means.

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