May 8, 2006


Porter had asked me to help him with some songs for a screenplay he’s writing with a friend of his, so this weekend I sat down with his lyrics and fooled around some. Here’s some of the results in a short crappy demo format:

Lying To You
Over Simplified

A work in progress!
Stupid ‘Zards conspired to break my heart on Friday. Gilbert Arenas choked by missing two free throws after 21-year old Bron Bron taunted him! Ugh. That’s bad. Real bad. Luckily, in the other series, the Suns took down the Lakers and Kobe. So at least one superstar has been laid to rest. Why do I root against these stars so much? I don’t know, but I do. Maybe I’m like everyone, we like to build stars up and them tear them right back down.
Massive points to anyone who can tell me why they have the ticket system at Katz Deli. Went there on Friday and it’s the weirdest arrangement I think. Did they have problems with people ordering something then eating it and walking out without paying? We sat at the table where Harry Met Sally(they shot the diner orgasm scene there–it’s supposed to be the Carnegie Deli). If you’re wondering, it doesn’t feel any different than any of the other tables. I think my favorite strange thing about Katz’s though is the bathrooms. Because the entrance to them looks like a phone booth. So it appears you are going into some room that’s like a porta johnny. But then it opens out into a full sized multi stall bathroom. Katz is full of mysteries like that. They have soda fountains but they don’t work. It’s not like they are just out of the syrup, they just don’t use them.
Met with the Emergenza peeps about the third round. So we’re playing at the Knitting Factory on June 8th(that’s a Thursday) at 8:30 pm. Mark your calendars! And if you wanna buy a ticket from us pre-sale, let me know. It’s $12 this time pre-sale ’cause it’s at a bigger place. There’s a balcony and everything. So if you’re thinking of throwing your underwear at us, that’s prolly your best bet.

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