There’s a restaurant called Nino’s here in NYC that likes to advertise and the owner has this big proclamation that “Water is free at Nino’s!”. Like it’s a big deal. I guess it’s sparkling water. But still, I ask, who drinks sparkling water? It tastes terrible. But Nino says that the three things that sustain life are free at Nino’s. Bread, Air, and Water. Which nice work on the bread and the H20 Neen-Man, but what place is the air not free? Perhaps Nino has seen the future and it is not good.
This is my favorite local ad, just barely beating the “Get it on Steinway Street!” musical ad with the mean-sounding singer.
The Nino’s ad where Nino clones himself so that he can be the Maitre D’, busboy, chef, and waiter is also good.
Oh Nate, I can’t believe you hate bubbly water too! We are friends for a very good reason.