May 30, 2006

Shots In The Dark

If it wasn’t obvious already, I’ve been watching massive amounts of playoff basketball. And I’ve noticed an irritating trend mostly on TBS. It’s creative camerawork. The standard shot in basketball games is from the side, slightly elevated. But we’ve started to see a bunch of huge crane shots, or wide angle shots from the below the basket. In all of these shots, you cannot see what’s going on. It looks awful. In many of these shots, the person with the ball is even cut off. Who is producing this? They are trying to be creative but there’s no need to try and ‘FOX’ up the NBA playoffs. They are exciting as is. Yet somebody is up there in the booth saying, “Go to the moon shot cam. Ok, now switch to camera 4, the mobile to get the perspective of that hot dog vendor. Now cut to that women who looks like she’s going to cry. (Oops, she just picked her nose.) Cut back to the court, that player is tying his shoelaces, see if we can get a closeup on the laces.” And on and on it goes. I hate it.
Also, you can’t have helped noticing that sideline reporter(Craig Sager) who always wears the most awful obnoxious ridiculous suits and ties imaginable, right? Apparently, he is advertising for his exclusive clothing line with Men’s Warehouse. He looks like an idiot. But now it makes more sense.

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