Porter has a comic strip that had a plot line where some guy never wanted to hear that James Blunt Song “You’re Beautiful”. Because I am unhip and never listen to the radio anymore, I never heard that song until recently. And I have to say, it’s pretty darn catchy. And then you start listening to the lyrics and you realize this song isn’t about anything interesting at all. He saw a girl on a subway and he thought she was beautiful but they’ll never meet again. That’s it. Three verses on it too! Oh and he was high too when he saw her. He is James BLUNT afterall. This guy basically shows you that you can write a song about anything if you encase it in a poppy tune like a hotdog. A popdog! I’m such a wordsmith I just fused popsong and hotdog into one word. I feel like Ben Franklin or something. That being said, you can write a song about anything but sometimes you shouldn’t. For instance, I think one of the worst songs in the history of the world is Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “That Smell”. Not only is it dumb for being a really lame tune, but it’s dumb because that smell is the the smell of their bandmate having gotten run over on the road and is lying under the tour bus. Sure, this would shake you up. But I say, Lynyrd–don’t write a song about that smell. Write it in your diary, talk about it in some documentary, maybe even get a tattoo that says “smell”. But don’t immortalize it in an awful song. It’s like if all your life you wanted to be in a popsong(I’m making it one word)and then there you are listed as one of the girls in Mambo #5.
In other news, I was watching HBO this weekend and they had Catwoman on—-if you haven’t seen this movie, don’t, but if it’s on tv, you should watch it. It proves that Halle Berry while beautiful,(You’re Beautiful, it’s true!)isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Why would you agree to do such a piece of crap? Answer: Because you think it’s good. The best part of the movie is when she meets some crazy cat lady professor type who messes with her mind by telling her she’s reborn as a cat and she doesn’t believe her and she goes away back home and then goes onto the web and googles, “history of cats” as if that will teach her about herself. It’s a shameless “computers are cool” moment that leads to nothing. In any event, the funniest portion of the cat lady scene is where the cat lady like shakes a ball with catnip at her and Halle Berry acts like a cat would with such a ball. I am not making this up. This actually happens. On a sidenote, I watched Firewall and it’s pretty stupid too, but the one bright spot is that Chloe from 24 is in it. Shockingly, her character isn’t a computer whiz though.
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