August 16, 2006

Weenie Of The Week

This one’s easy.

In a 10 and Under Little League game in Utah, the Yankees were playing the Red Sox. The Red Sox were down at the end of the game, but had the tying run at third base with two outs. Romney Oaks was at bat. “Oaks is a frail boy whose growth was stunted by a malignant cranial tumor at the age of 4. How frail? Not knowing what his prospects for recovery were, the Make-A-Wish Foundation arranged for Romney and his family to visit the President of the United States last year.” He’s better now, but he has to wear a batting helmet when he plays the field. And here’s the kicker. Romney Oaks wasn’t really at bat. Yet. “After he conferred with assistant Shaun Farr, Yankees coach Bob Farley elected to intentionally walk Jordan Bleak — the Red Sox’s best hitter, who already had thumped a home run and a triple — to get to Romney.”

What a total jerk! It’s a freaking Little League game. How out of control do you have to be to intentionally walk in a Little League game? And to get to the team’s weakest player? That’s just utterly rude. Congrats Bob Farley, your Yankees won the game and you win the Weenie of the Week by a mile. (Isn’t it perfect that this was done by a Little League Yankees team? (playing the Red Sox)

(Quotes from article by Greg Garber. Check out the full story from ESPN)


  1. Kirk

    Holy crap, that’s some story. This is like that mean coach in The Bad News Bears.

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