I found out the other night at dinner that there is a term for cats who eat clothing. So ‘Bert or Jake, I’m not really sure which one does this now, you’ve got “pica“. There’s even been a study at Cornell about it. Basically, what it says is that pica is feline obsessive compulsive disorder. In short, one or both of my boys have OCD. This is disturbing. But at the same time, it’s nice to know that I’m not crazy and my cats aren’t THAT unusual. Still, I might investigate more into this. Especially if it continues. It seems to have slowed down a bit. But that might just be my imagination.
Now that I think about it, in one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s books called Love & Other Monsters, there’s a character who has pica. She likes to eat dirt. I didn’t realize at the time, that it could be like a common thing. I thought it was just part of his kooky realismo magico world.
This just goes to prove that Jake is a writer cat, and a romantic one at that, suffering like a Marquez character. He is NOT retarded like some people have suggested.
pica isn’t just for felines. Pregnant ladies get it too as well as other non felines. Although my sweet cat Starks got it when his anemia was really bad. This ended on a sad note.
Natasha, are you really just trying to say that you like to eat clothes now?
Bert ate my shirt, I saw him do it. So far I have never seen natasha do this.
Thanks, frannie. I’m not pregnant anymore and I didn’t have pica when I was! A “friend” had it, though. mmm, yummy oxfords… I mean she loved yummy oxford shirts.