September 27, 2006

Standing Tall

Porter and I take to talking about this upon occasion: What the greatest tv theme show songs are. I will always bring up the Perfect Strangers theme show song. It’s compact, like a good tv theme show song should be. It’s catchy, like a good tv theme show song should be. It’s hopeful and a little too sentimental, bringing you up when you’re feeling down, like a good tv theme show song should be. It’s got a whistful harmonica hook, like a good tv theme show song should have. Plus, I think it’s got the perfect video montage ending too as they rise the stairs at Wrigley Field. It’s pretty much almost perfect like the good people of Meepos must certainly be. Here are the lyrics, folks. Be inspired!

Sometimes the world looks perfect,
Nothin’ to rearrange.
Sometimes you just
Get a feelin’ like you need some kind of change.

No matter what the odds are this time,
Nothing’s gonna stand in my way.
This flame in my heart,
and a long lost friend,
Gives every dark street a light at the end!

Standin’ tall
On the wings of my dream!

Rise and fall
On the wings of my dream!

Rain and thunder, wind and haze
I’m bound for better days!
It’s my life,
It’s my dream,
Nothin’s gonna stop me now.


  1. kirk
  2. Anonymous

    Oh my god, I always tell people that Perfect Strangers is the awesomest theme song out there!

    And then they usually look at me weirdly and then guffaw with incredulity.

  3. phil

    i just got chills.

  4. natasha

    Brett sang that song as his audition to get into grad school.

    My favorite theme song is “Step by Step.” My favorite part is the bridge.

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