December 4, 2006

It Makes No Difference

I ran into this girl on the street the other night. We know each other from a reading we did back in the day. What is funny is that we started talking about Huck Slim and she said to me, “I get your emails” and I said to her “Yeah, I get yours too”. What we were basically saying to each other was, I am never going to go to any of the things you plug about to me. I think we’re both fine with that. So… we shall now resume ignoring each other’s emails.

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December 4, 2006

It Makes No Difference

I ran into this girl on the street the other night. We know each other from a reading we did back in the day. What is funny is that we started talking about Huck Slim and she said to me, “I get your emails” and I said to her “Yeah, I get yours too”. What we were basically saying to each other was, I am never going to go to any of the things you plug about to me. I think we’re both fine with that. So… we shall now resume ignoring each other’s emails.

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