January 8, 2007

Butter Fingers

Yowza. What a game. What a nut punch. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
I watched some movies this weekend.

Superman–Super Awful. Why did they remake this? I also feel they really shaped the story arc lamely. The more powerful part of this is The World Doesn’t Need Superman. Like we should see the world openly resenting Superman leaving them. And then he comes back and saves the day, yay, all that. But it was done in exposition.

Mission Impossible III–Liked it. Wasn’t blown away by it. This is one of those classic Macguffin stories wherein a terrible doomsday device called “The Rabbit Foot” exists. But it’s lame. Like it never does anything. I feel like, in order to properly fear such a thing we need to see a bit of its destructive power. For instance, in the Rock–they show you this nasty kind of gas and it was basically distengrates some dude when some of it is accidentally spilled. Plus it looks all creepy and stuff being in little green neon balls. The rabbit foot was basically a pneumatic tube. Not really that scary.

The Descent–really liked it. Really creepy. I thought this would be a bit more of a hot girls in a cave style movie. But it was much more scary than I thought it would be. These girls go down into a cave and then get caved in and have to find another way out but then they encounter some really frightening cave creatures. And then it gets brutal. I think it was really good because it had the same success that Jaws did–in that, after you watch that movie you don’t want to go into the water and after this, I never want to go caving ever. Not that I think there are like nasty cave beasties out there but really why chance it?
So if you don’t live in New York, you don’t realize there is some odd natural gas like odor in the city and causing everyone to freak out a bit. My work has shut off the outside vents and gas. And I have a headache, but is that psychosomatic? Don’t know. Still, freaky!

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