Sure. I’ll do it. I’ll state the obvious. IT’S FREAKING COLD! Why is it that February always seems to be the coldest month. It was like that in D.C. and it’s like that in New York.
I’m watching some of the exhausting Super Bowl coverage and I see Katie Couric doing a story. What is going on with CBS News? Why is she reporting during the Super Bowl coverage? She’s taken that CBS anchor position and made it like News Lite. The whole show is now human interest crap and now she’s doing a report at the Super Bowl? Would Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, any of these people have done this? No.
But now apparently, CBS will. (Also, Katie Couric’s hair is crazy! It looks like just had sex hair.)
That’s it for now. I’m going back to my ice cave on Hoth.
(Sidenote: They just reported that the Colts are going to eat a light meal at halftime to stem the tide of hunger between the pre-game meal and dinner, since half time is like an hour long. Ummm… this doesn’t seem like a smart idea.)
I totally agree on the Katie Couric front. I did a double take when I saw her at the Big Bowl desk. Next thing we know, she’ll be on CSI – still pluggin’ her cast.