More with May/December madness…. Just encountered this fun story on Gothamist!
Apparently, this girl at left(Maximilia Cordero) is suing Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire investor dude, because he lured her to his house for sex in 2000 in return for helping her with her modeling career. She was 16 at the time. Epstein was 47 then. So now Cordero is 23 and here’s the best part! Cordero’s lawyer is her boyfriend. And the laywer? He’s 57.
It makes you wonder—does she now like insanely older dudes because this guy screwed her up? Or does she like insanely older dudes because she was always screwed up?
Amazing! Full story at Gothamist…
She’s a man!
How does that figure into your May-December theories, Shelkey??
Holy Moly!!! Wow. Note in the article Eliza posted, the lawyer is an ex-bf now. Interesting! The pic too in that article makes her look decidedly less attractive.